Work Is Working
June 30, 2015
Work is the action that gives our life meaning. Work is the output of our hands, mind, and heart in our cities and towns. Work is the invitation from God to participate with Him in His work.
Over the past three years, I have been convinced that work can empower and grow an ambitious young man or woman better than other opportunities. When a challenging job is matched with adequate payment and supportive biblical leadership, we have seen Cambodians rise to the difficulties presented in their jobs, and more importantly, put into practice the messages, attitudes, and behaviors Jesus communicates through the Bible. The message of Jesus is taught, talked about, struggled with, and put into the jobs and lives of PCL’s Cambodian staff who are becoming discipled, refined, and strengthened as believers in Jesus and believers in the power of His message.
I’ve had a desire to write this out simply because I had no idea of the lasting impact work can have when in a healthy, biblical environment. I had no idea of the dignity that
would be instilled in the whole Cambodian family and how they are perceived in their community. Jobs funded by PCL allow for leadership to be developed, discipleship to take root, and, selfless living to grow in Cambodians lives as they continue to work towards Gods Kingdom being restored in their country. This is the desire of Cambodian Christians, to see healing, forgiveness, and peace brought to every part of their country.
So, what are our jobs for? The mis-truth that is just right of truth is that jobs are for making money, growing wealth, and providing for our families. I believe this answer is too narrow. Yes, I believe God desires us to provide for our families and to save and invest for the future of our family, but God’s answer continues much further to include the work God has been doing and desires to be done across His whole earth. God’s invitation to join in His work is meant for all Christians to participate in, and to be an active
part in generating change from brokenness into the restoration of God’s Kingdom on earth.
Being an active member in God’s healing process in your world brings great depth, joy, and greater purpose to our work. As a member of PCL, I invite you to join with us in bringing change into your world through your work. Secondly, I invite you to join in with our work through funding one of PCL’s Cambodian staff salaries. A monthly gift of any amount not only funds one of PCL’s Cambodian Staff, but also funds the long-term development, discipleship, and lasting change that can continue to take place in Cambodia through the work of PCL’s Staff.
May your work and our work be intertwined and threaded together in the ever expanding tapestry of God’s work in our world.
–Matt Nelson
PCL Staff, Manager of Common Grounds in Siem Reap, Cambodia for the past three years. Matt and Catie are presently on sabbatical in the U.S. awaiting the birth of their first child.