Community Development

The goal of  Community Development is to rebuild a community that has lost everything — to give people new homes, roads, jobs, lives, and hope. We are Developing a Community from Scratch. 


We are building a city from scratch.

The problems for the people of the Andong Village in Cambodia are complicated and connected. One problem cannot be fixed without addressing the others, so we decided to do something big. We are going to build a successful city from scratch by ensuring that all the proper structures and systems are in place. 

The goal of the Build a City project is to rebuild a community that has lost everything – to give the people new homes, new roads, new jobs, and new hopes. In May 2015, we will open a new city with nearly 1,000 homes for families that were forced out of their old village. The finished city will include a health clinic, a marketplace for 13 small businesses, paved streets, clean water, a church, and free English classes for residents.

The city will provide a safe and healthy environment for thousands of people and give the residents of Andong the privilege to own their own land and house. Our goal is to create an environment that fosters education, economic development, job training, and health improvements. The final goal is for Andong to be a functioning and sustainable community that can be replicated in cities all over the world. 


Well Drilling

Water Filtration

Homes For Widows